Saturday 12 August 2017

The Pushbike Song

With four weeks until the off, now is the time to start spreading the word and generally harassing otherwise decent, law-abiding folk! Speaking of donations, Mr. Nigel Green was the first onboard in this campaign and his (dubious) reward was to suggest a song or two as 'Tune Of The Day'. Although this responsibility carries tremendous burden'n'great pressure, he certainly came up trumps...
Anyway, apparently some bloke called Einstein* reckoned that one definition of insanity was to repeat the same course of action but to expect a different outcome.

He was talking out of his porthole obviously, as I have booked myself on exactly the same flights as 12 months ago...really hoping that my bike gets a smoother and quicker passage through security at Manchester on this occasion.
(*Turns out the quote is from Narcotics Anonymous!)
Fast Track security lane at Manch Airport.
The issue last time was that the Gesatpo (well, it was one bloke) decided to apply 'hand baggage rules' despite the (quite obvious) fact that the Yellow Peril would never fit in an overhead bin, hah-hah!

Cue the confiscation of chain lube, embrocation, toiletries and odds & sods that were handy to have, and taking so long to process the bike that it missed the flight down to Heathrow, and thus onwards to Seattle. You just *know* that history is gonna repeat itself, right?

The business. Although 'SCRUMPTIOUS' may be pushing it...
One useful discovery from last year's bike ride was just how valuable McDonalds Oatmeal pots are: basically a porridgey-type concoction with bits of apple and raisin thrown into the mix.
Golden Arches/Oatmeal ahoy! Tres bon.
I'll take them over the dreaded honey & nut cereal bars, any day of the week: these bad boys need about 3 litres of water to make them palatable: think Hob Nobs x 100!
Grim but sometimes needs must.
Greenbacks have arrived: this should cover more than a few Oatmeal pots. Alright, and a couple of cold ones too. Hurrah!
I gotta say that despite the inevitable shoeing that the weather & hilly terrain will dish out, I'm really looking forward to the scenery. Here's hoping that I might be able to see something this time, as the lamentable photos below from my trip there in 2001 will bear out, ahem. Nah, it was ace regardless!
These ropey efforts were taken in Sept 2001, just south of Carmel...this is where the recent mudslides began.
As per, I am a *tad* under-cooked/behind schedule with regards to fitness an' all that malarkey. That said, there has been a wee bit of timber shifted which is good news- thanks in part to cutting back on all the finer things e.g. beer, curry, wine, chips and er, ice cream. Speaking of which...

Saw this work of genius in Bangor's Ward Park recently. *Doffs hat*!
Along with a few photos from recent efforts around the locale:
"You Townies don't understand country ways."
A few of these beauties feature in the movie 'Dunkirk'. A pal saw it but was disappointed: he was expecting a William Shatner biopic...
Had fun getting through this nonsense recently. When's Summer?
Passing the protestors at the anti-fracking site near me...
Okay then, I'll leave you in peace for a couple of weeks, blog-wise: if you feel inclined, please share this around, spread the word and hopefully that might bring in another fiver or so and help Bloodwise and The Royal British Legion. Good on you!
BIG thanks from Bloodwise and The Royal British Legion. Bravo!
They need & deserve our help.
Go on Ben!
And here is The Real Deal: when Mr. Chester Burnett sang this number, it *stayed* sung. Wow!

Top choice, Nige.

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